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NREPP Glossary

The following definitions have been drawn from numerous sources and are tailored specifically for content on the NREPP Web site. The terms defined here may have slightly different meanings in other settings.

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In scientific studies, a number representing the statistical probability that an outcome is due simply to chance alone rather than as a result of the intervention. Typically, if the p-value is less than or equal to 1 in 20 (i.e., ≤ 5 in 100, or p ≤ .05), researchers can conclude that the outcome of the study is not due to chance alone.
A study design in which (1) there are no control or comparison conditions and (2) data are collected at pretest or posttest only; includes simple observational or case studies. The preexperimental study design provides the most limited scientific rigor of the three types of designs (experimental, quasi-experimental, and preexperimental).
Process evaluation
An evaluation to determine whether an intervention has been implemented as intended.
Program drift
A threat to fidelity due to compromises made during implementation.
Program fit
The degree to which a program matches a community’s needs, resources, and implementation capacity.
The construction of instruments and procedures for measurement.